Ависта Модуль Инжиниринг, ГК
Company address
ул. Станционная, д. 60 Г, 4 этаж
Новосибирск, Новосибирская область
Российская Федерация
The Avista Modul Engineering group of companies has been introducing innovations and creating trends in the construction market for 13 years. During this time, more than 10,000 modules have been produced. This is an opportunity to resettle 90,000 people. For comparison, this could be the city of Magadan. We offer you to order the production and construction of modular buildings in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk and other cities of Russia and the CIS of factory quality within your budget.
We build factory-quality modular buildings on time within your budget.