Разживин, ИП

Contact information
Company address
ул. Трубачеева, 2а (каб.11)
Улан-Удэ, Республика Бурятия
Российская Федерация

Since 2015, the Forest Factory Company has been a manufacturer of environmentally friendly products. During this time, we have gained extensive experience in production and significantly expanded the range. Siberian taiga and Lake Baikal are famous for healthy air, crystal clear water and beautiful nature. It is here, in the vast expanses, that unique medicinal plants that are part of our products are collected.

"Lesnaya Fabrika" is a dynamically developing manufacturing and trading company. And our employees are a team with a new mindset and outlook on the technological process and marketing.

The company "Lesnaya Fabrika" firmly stands on the foundation of a reverent attitude towards nature and care for the health of each client.

Our experts skillfully combine modern technologies and old recipes. This, in turn, allows us to produce unique environmentally friendly products from a wide variety of herbs, berries, honey and pine nuts collected on the shores of the sacred Lake Baikal.

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